Thursday, July 18, 2013

Yoga Days 36-38

Ok I know I've been slacking on my blogging but I promise that I haven't been slacking on my yoga.  Tuesday, I went to library yoga which was awesome as always.  The teacher has been doing different things since she's come back from her vacation.  Specifically, more binds.  I can certainly do it, it just definitely takes some warming up first, which Priyanka rocks at.  Then yesterday, I did some more restorative stretches before bed which just makes me feel good in general.

And now today.  This morning, I went for a run and took my cell phone with me.  Sometimes I leave it at home, but brought it along today in my sports bra.  However, I hadn't realized how many inches I'd actually lost until my phone came dangerously close to falling out the bottom of my bra.  Clearly, I need some new sports bras.  But on to yoga.  I decided to do a yoga for runners sequence as it seemed apropos for today and it included a couple of basic sun salutations.  Lately, I been trying to work on my chaturanga and I finally had a breakthrough.  So, I can flow through chaturanga but I have thus far been unable to hold it at the bottom.  But, thinking about it the other day, I remembered that I can do crow pose so I have the strength in my arms to support the full weight of the rest of my body, so I must be doing something slightly off with my chaturanga.  After some contemplation and reading and watching and such, I tried something.  I kept my hips a bit higher than I usually do and totally nailed it today!  Not only did I get it, I was like, "Oh yeah, I could definitely hold this for a while."  Epic, you guys.  Epic.

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