Friday, July 19, 2013

Yoga Day 39

I made it!  I've now done yoga for as many consecutive days as I ran.  Needless to say, this was far less challenging.  And like I've said before, I'm going to keep going.  Though I will probably not be blogging about it daily and I think I will stop counting the days.  I may seek out a new challenge to keep me blogging, though.  We'll see.  As always, questions, comments, suggestions, etc. are welcome.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Yoga Days 36-38

Ok I know I've been slacking on my blogging but I promise that I haven't been slacking on my yoga.  Tuesday, I went to library yoga which was awesome as always.  The teacher has been doing different things since she's come back from her vacation.  Specifically, more binds.  I can certainly do it, it just definitely takes some warming up first, which Priyanka rocks at.  Then yesterday, I did some more restorative stretches before bed which just makes me feel good in general.

And now today.  This morning, I went for a run and took my cell phone with me.  Sometimes I leave it at home, but brought it along today in my sports bra.  However, I hadn't realized how many inches I'd actually lost until my phone came dangerously close to falling out the bottom of my bra.  Clearly, I need some new sports bras.  But on to yoga.  I decided to do a yoga for runners sequence as it seemed apropos for today and it included a couple of basic sun salutations.  Lately, I been trying to work on my chaturanga and I finally had a breakthrough.  So, I can flow through chaturanga but I have thus far been unable to hold it at the bottom.  But, thinking about it the other day, I remembered that I can do crow pose so I have the strength in my arms to support the full weight of the rest of my body, so I must be doing something slightly off with my chaturanga.  After some contemplation and reading and watching and such, I tried something.  I kept my hips a bit higher than I usually do and totally nailed it today!  Not only did I get it, I was like, "Oh yeah, I could definitely hold this for a while."  Epic, you guys.  Epic.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Yoga Day 35

I did a pretty rad post-run yoga sequence today.  I'm finally re-doing the 30-day yoga challenge videos.  Previously, I had been working my way through the ones I had missed but now I am cherry-picking the best ones/the ones I need the most for the day/just generally being picky.  Fun stuff, you guys.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Yoga Day 34

I'm so sore from yesterday's yoga!  In somewhat unique places.  My obliques.  My upper back.  Today I did an all-standing yoga sequence that included lots of chair and warriors.  You know what that means?  Tomorrow I'll be adding glutes to my list of sore body parts.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Yoga Days 32 & 33

So sorry for missing my regular blog post yesterday.  I have no excuse, I just got a bit lazy.  I mean, not so lazy that I missed my actual yoga yesterday, just the blogging about it.  In case you were curious (and let's face it, you're here so you must be at least mildly so), yesterday I did some good restorative yoga - just what I needed after a week with 4 presentations and 2 meetings at work.  Today was library yoga!  You guys know how much I love my yoga at the library.  My teacher challenged us quite a bit today and now I'm a bit sore, but I can't quite remember exactly what move led to such soreness.  Yay mystery soreness!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Yoga Day 31

I know what you're thinking, "Day 31?!  Katy, first it was 21 days, now you just demolished 30 days, what's next?"  Well dear reader, if I can run every day for 39 days, I can DEFINITELY do yoga for at least that amount of consecutive days.  I'm sure that eventually I'll stop counting and blogging about it daily.  But for now... 

Today I opened my sidebodies!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Yoga Day 30

Today's yoga was balancing sequences which I like a lot.  I have pretty good balance so there's that but also balance is one of those things that is super applicable to your everyday life.  I did some extra stretching and such after that, too, because my left knee and arch of my foot have been bothering me a bit lately and I'm hoping that some good releasing of tight muscles will help.  And rest.  Rest is always good, too.  If you have any other suggestions for me, please let me know!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Yoga Day 29

I had a pretty awesome yoga class tonight.  Some stretching, some strength, some awesome.  It doesn't get much better than that.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Yoga Day 28

I got in a double-header this morning, doing 2 quick yoga videos after some weights and treadmill at the gym.  We're nearing the 30-day mark on the 30-day yoga challenge and I'm really thinking I'm just going to keep on going.  It's not like the running challenge where it was really work some days to get my run in.  Yoga is pretty much always awesome and can fall in varying degrees of intensity so it's more flexible (pardon my pun) than running.  It just sometimes takes that extra bit of motivation to get on the mat and yoga it up some days for some reason.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Yoga Day 27

I did my daily bit of yoga today and it was awesome as usual.  Later in the evening, I decided to work on my headstand but I was also listening to some Kevin Hart stand-up and found it rather difficult to concentrate on my balance when I can't help but laugh at his hilarity.  You learn something new every day.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Yoga Day 26

My regular yoga teacher was finally back today so yoga was awesome again!  It was tough and I'm pretty sure I'll be all kinds of sore in the next few days, but it was great.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Running Day 39

I MADE IT!!!!!!!!  I have now officially run at least 1 mile every day between Memorial Day and Independence Day.  As I mentioned before, I decided to sign up for a 5k for the last day of my challenge and I got a pretty rockin' time!  You ready?  30 minutes and 42 seconds!  Admittedly, by the standards of hardcore runners, this is not particularly impressive, but for me, it's awesome.  For the record, that averages out to just under 10 minutes for each mile.  For 3.1 miles!  It's my best time ever.  I did find, however, that running a 5k by yourself is not as fun as when you have someone (like my dear running buddy Meaghan or someone to cheer you on on the sidelines) with you.  It's kind of boring before the race starts and then awkward once you finish (you're like, "Sooooo....I'm gonna go one....").  But anyway, time for some yoga, a shower, and a nap!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Yoga Day 23

Yogaing is awesome, don't ever let me stop.  Ever.

Running Day 37

I ran 2.7 mile this morning, prepping for my 5k on Thursday.  I ran outside because it was pretty windy and thus not too stiflingly hot but it got hotter as I ran which was not appreciated.  Nonetheless, it happened, so woo hoo!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Yoga Day 22

That's right, today is Day 22 of my 21-day yoga challenge.  I'm restarting that 30-day yoga challenge that I was following and getting in all the videos I missed.  Yay hip openers today!

Running Day 36

I got my mile in before it started raining this afternoon - score!  It was not an easy mile, but it's done now.